CTA Whitelisting Process in Vodafone Vilpower DLT

Call-to-action verification is now the latest and essential aspect of DLT registration. Now, let us see the CTA Whitelisting process for Vodaphone Vilpower DLT.




CTA Whitelisting Process in Vodafone Vilpower DLT


TRAI has decided that only Whitelisted URLs, Apks, OTT links, callback numbers, and emails will be allowed in the content template. Follow these steps to get CTA whitelisting done.

1. Login to the “VI DLT” panel


VI Whitelisting CTA


2. Click on “CTA Whitelisting”  on your dashboard


VI Whitelisting CTA (1)


3. Click on”+Whitelisting CTA


VI Whitelisting CTA (2)


4. Select the type of CTA

  • For URL
    • Select “URL” as the CTA type


VI Whitelisting CTA (3)


    • Select “others” “Whatsapp link” or “API


VI Whitelisting CTA (4)


    • Enter the “static URL” in the URL box.


VI Whitelisting CTA (5)


    • Select “URL contains the variable” for dynamic URL with a question mark (/?)


VI Whitelisting CTA (6)


    • Enter the final sample URL with the variable in the “Sample URL box


VI Whitelisting CTA (7)


You can use URL Shortener from the dashboard to get a clean and precise link.

    • Click “Submit”


VI Whitelisting CTA (12)


  • For Mobile Number
    • Select “number” as the CTA type


VI Whitelisting CTA (8)


    • Select the type of number as mobile, landline, toll-free, or others


VI Whitelisting CTA (9)


    • Enter the number


VI Whitelisting CTA (10)


  • Click Submit


VI Whitelisting CTA (11)


If you faces any trouble while CTA whitelisting at VILpower DLT platform, you can contact Fast2SMS support team for a free DLT assistance. Don’t Forget to Sign up for Fast2SMS bulk SMS services for quality services and support.


URL shortener at VILpower DLT portal


You can use the URL shortener to shorten the URLs you send in the messages, there are 2 ways you can use this URL shortener:

Types of shortenings:

Static Shortening: The shortened link remains fixed and will be sent for each message (SMS)

Dynamic Shortening: The shortened link changes dynamically, possibly based on user specific information, like Mobile number.

Follow these steps for shortening the URL link.

1. Give a name for the link you want to shorten

2. Select the Whitelisted URL from the Long URL dropdown

Note: You can search and select from the list of whitelisted URLs

Static shortening:

1. You can give a custom back half (for static shortening), the selected URL will always be shortened to the give URL,

2. You can check “Allow short url in messages” if you want to send the shortened URL directly in the messages

Dynamic shortening

1. Do not give any custom back

2. Select the short link length ( the length of the random string generated).




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