DLT SMS Guidelines

Distributed ledger technology is a blockchain registration system powered by the telecom regulatory authority of India. This DLT system is designed specially to control SMS spam. If anyone wants to send bulk SMS in India through domestic telecom operators then DLT is mandatory.



DLT SMS Guidelines



DLT is difficult to understand and even complex to use. Don’t worry Fast2SMS is here with the simplest DLT SMS Guidelines. This article will discuss everything about DLT from scratch.

DLT registration process

Step 1: DLT registration

First of all, you need to register your business on any of the Indian DLT platforms. Choose a telecom operator where you want to register for the principal entity. The telecom operators are:

As you fill up the form and provide the required documents as per your business type you will receive an email with the principal entity. After the confirmation mail, you also have to pay 5900/- after which you will receive a certificate. DLT operators are not free, you have to pay 5900/- annually.

Step 2: Add a telemarketer to the DLT portal

The next step is to add the telemarketer to your DLT portal. For this, you need to go to the DLT panel from the manage telemarketer settings and add the following information.

Telemarketer Name: SID GROUPS
Telemarketer ID: 1102524310000011354

For Videocon TM ID: 1702159738863862112

Step 3: Get your sender IDs approved

The sender IDs are now known as headers. These are 6-digit unique IDs used to send bulk SMS. There are different ways to register for headers. The following video explains the header registration at the JIO platform.




Step 4: Get the content template approved

After you get sender IDs the next is the content template [SMS message text] approval. Go to the JIO portal in the template tab click on the option content template registration and carry the process further.


DLT Registration And Approval Rules


DLT is a fluctuating system. The rules and guidelines can change over time. However, here are the latest updated rules and regulations of DLT:

  • It is mandatory to whitelist all the headers, SMS templates, principal entity, and user consent at a centralized DLT portal provided by operators.
  • It is mandatory to add all headers and content templates to all the operators to avoid rejection.
  • TRAI also prohibits sending any kind of messages except bank or transactional and OTPs during the DND hours that is 9 pm to 10 am.
  • Content you are sending through DLT should not be related to gambling. Avoid widespread political SMS during elections.
  • Customers’ consent is very important for sending bulk SMS. Moreover, you should provide opt-in and opt-out systems for customers.
  • You cannot send 6 messages in an hour to the same number with the same sender ID.
  • The latest DLT update says it will deactivate the headers that have not been used for 30 days. However, you can reactivate the header within 60 days of deactivation. After 60 days the header ID will move to the free pool where any other DLT can take that.
  • Similarly, inactive content templates or inappropriate content templates that do not follow TRAI guidelines will be suspended or deleted every quarter.


How To Add DLT Details At Fast2SMS?


Integrating your DLT-approved principal entity, sender IDs and content templates is quite simple at Fast2SMS. Here is the easiest guide to send DLT SMS:

Once you get your principal entity, sender IDs, and content templates approved. Come to the Fast2SMS panel. Log in or sign up and click on the DLT SMS section.



Fast2SMS Signup Now



As you are registered at DLT choose the yes option and the add details window appears.





You need to add three things here.

  • Entity name
  • Entity Id
  • Approved DLT certificate






Wait for a while until our team verifies your details. After you add the principal entity the and submit certificate.






The next comes adding the sender IDs. Add DLT-approved sender IDs window appears.






In this window select the entity with which your sender ID is approved. Then enter the approved sender ID with the screenshot of the approval. Click submit.

You can add headers manually and also upload the header Excel sheet of approved headers. After filling up all the header details you need to wait for some time.

Our team will immediately verify and approve your headers. You cannot add content until our team verifies your headers.






Once your headers are verified you can add the content templates. Go to the message text section where you can add content templates.

You can add the content templates manually with the approval screenshot. The alternative way is to upload approved content templates Excel sheet.



Add-content-template EXCEL



You can download this Excel sheet from the DLT panel. A popup stating content approval is pending appears. You have to wait for some time for our team’s verification.






Now you are all set to send DLT bulk SMS via the Fast2SMS platform.

The added headers and content templates will be shown on the right side of the DLT SMS section. You can add new headers and templates using the add new option in the same section.



Add new headers



In case you want to add a new entity. Click on the add new option on the right side of the DLT SMS section. Add new headers window will appear. At the top right corner of the window, you will find the add new entity option.



Add new entity at Fast2SMS



Alternatively, you can click on the view details button at the bottom of the sender IDs section, then click on the view entity option, and the add new entity option appears.



Alternative method to add new entity ID at Fast2SMS

Add new entity ID at Fast2SMS



How to Send DLT SMS via Fast2SMS?


Once you have added your principal entity, headers/ sender IDs, and content templates. Then sending bulk SMS is super easy. At the DLT SMS section of the Fast2SMS panel.






Select the headers/ sender ID from the list of your uploaded ones on the right side.

Add mobile numbers on which you want to send SMS. You can add mobile numbers from a manually created list or upload an Excel sheet.

Then click on the message box and copy-paste the content template from the list appearing on the right side.


Fill the variables {#var#} with the actual character by clicking on it. Click on the following send or schedule option. Once you click the send option a popup message preview box appears.







Click on confirm. Your messages are successfully delivered to the mobile numbers. You can check the delivery status by the delivery report.

You can also send personalized variable numbers to each different number. for sending different variable values to a different number. Go to DLT SMS, select the sender ID,






Then choose Excel for uploading contacts. Then select the column that has mobile numbers.



adding contacts using excel sheet



Click on the message box and select a content template.



Adding content template



Click on the variable then click on the add variable button on the left top corner of the message box. Then select the column of Excel which you want to send in place of the variable.



adding variables to content templates




You have to add money to the Fast2SMS panel also. The amount 5900/- the amount that you are paying at the DLT operator platform is only for having access to their portal and getting your content template and sender IDs approved.

You still need Fast2SMS bulk SMS service for sending bulk SMS even if you have DLT registration. Here you have to add a minimum of 100 rupees for sending bulk SMS.

If you need a huge bulk SMS plan then I would strongly recommend our best plan where you can send a message at just 0.11 rupees.


Watch Video – How to use Fast2SMS